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Concepts In Returning to College - 8.25.20

Whether you’re learning from your bedroom, office, or in the classroom this semester, one thing is certain: we are living in some interesting times to be going back to school. (In fact schools shouldn’t really be reopening because the U.S doesn’t have the virus under control). But hey girlies!! My name is Josiah Pohl, I am a college student, and if you’re new to my blog, welcome to the Pohl Concept!

I usually post about photography and there is also a new photography post up today already If you haven’t checked it out! However, I wanted to write about this as well because I am literally shook at the fact that I am starting my Junior year of college next week. In fact, I am probably doing class now as you are reading this (Writing the week before tingz!!) I just wanted to address and ease any anxieties you may have about going back to school during a global pandemic, because as High School Musical once said, “We’re all in this together!”

So because so many of us are going back to college this semester, even though there is a literal PANDEMIC, I decided I would share some tips and tricks for you all and show you how I have created a nice space to do some of my work from home ;)


How to make the most out of this Fall Semester!

I few tips I have and I’ve found helpful for me in past semesters and especially now because things are so different:

1. Read your syllabus!! (Seriously.. you need to read it)

I really can’t stress this one enough! You may think it's not that important but literally this is your CONTRACT between you and your professor. And yes, you do need to read everything on it. But I’ll be honest, I usually skim the university policies and procedures part. This year is different though for most campuses as they must take precautions from COVID-19.

2. Time Management

  • Make sure you manage your time wisely! You’ll hate yourself if you put off studying until the night before the exam or turn in an assignment at the very last minute. Everyone says it, but getting a planner really does help and allows you to write out all those deadlines.

3. Study Spaces

Because everyone will be in different spaces this semester based on COVID restrictions, it is important to have a go-to study spot where you know you will succeed and can stay on task. Because I am commuting this semester rather than living on campus, I needed to create a space in my room where I could complete my homework and the portions of my classes that are online/virtual.

Shameless plug, but a homie went to Target and picked up this cute little desk (pictures below), which has like a TON of storage space and is nice and compact for my small bedroom at home. Not only does it create a cozy study area but it matches with the vibes in my room. I wanted to decorate my room at home the same way I decorated my dorm last semester before we were kicked off campus due to COVID. It’s seriously like I brought the dorm to me, and free rent is nice ;) Love ya mom and dad! Anyways, just look at these pictures!!


Lastly, If you ever need to reach out to somebody, I am that person! I've been an Orientation Leader, a Peer Mentor, and I’ve been in the same shoes as you if this may be your first time entering college!

If you have any tips and tricks that you’d want me to know or share, please make them known as I’d love to hear the perspectives of other college students like me as we prepare or have already begun going back to classes in the middle of this pandemic.

Lastly, remember to wear your mask and follow social distancing! Please don’t go to any parties or large gatherings. They can wait until all of this settles down, whenever it is that it does lol. America tingz!! LOL

Oh and Breonna Taylor’s murderers STILL haven’t been arrested!!! It’s been over 5 months!!!!! Please continue to show your support for the BLM movement whether that's through petitioning, making phone calls, donating, etc.

See y’all in the next post,

Cut, peace out!

Josiah :)

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