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Concepts In Activism - 6.23.20

Photo courtesy to Chipstudio

In recent weeks we have seen a myriad of events happening all over the country and the world. From debates about the pandemic to having discussions about the present history of systemic racism, oppression, and police brutality in the United States. And the severity of these occurrences has only emphasized the importance of activism and making sure you are having these discussions and trying to find ways to solve these social problems in the U.S and around the world.

To start, I want to explain what I activism is in my personal definition and how I have found ways to advocate in recent weeks and in the past as well. Alright so buckle your seatbelts because hunny… we are going to discuss why Miss Activism is sooo important! ;)


So what is Activism?

'Miss Activism'. What and who is she? Miss Activism: speaking your voice, signing petitions, and most importantly, raising awareness for the need of social and/or political change! When we talk about activism, I believe that we are referring to a need for change and a need to have those difficult discussions with our family members and demanding that our policymakers be aware of the need for change and enact policies that are demanded by the need for change. Did I already mention the word, "change?"

In the past three weeks, many around the country including myself have advocated for social change in the system of policing and racism in the United States. People are sharing information on social media through links to petitions, places to donate, and overall educating their peers and followers who may have not spent time analyzing the issues of the policing system in the United States and how it has disproportionately affected black Americans and other minority groups.


How I have advocated so far with the recent events

Because the issue is seen as a social problem, there is a problem-solving process that typically follows when the issue is brought front and center by activism. Ways that I have showed my Activism in recent weeks includes signing petitions demanding justice for the lives lost to police brutality and these horrific systems of racial injustice and oppression.

Furthermore, I participated in a peaceful protest to demand Justice for Breonna Taylor and countless other black lives. The goal of these protests as a form of activism is to call for reform of the policing system and to maintain civil liberties specifically for black Americans who are once again disproportionately affected by these policing systems. This photo I took on my iPhone below is from the vigil and peaceful protest for Breonna Taylor in June 2020.


The problem-solving process for Activism

Furthermore, the purpose of this blog post was to explain the problem-solving process that believe comes with Activism. This process has a series of steps in which I will explain:

Step 1: Educating yourself & Others

This first step is the most important as it entails that you are able to understand the root of a social problem/issue and for you to gain context of the issue and why it needs to be advocated upon. So, what does this look like? This goes from a basic google search on an issue to even taking classes about the topic that you want to advocate for. Some examples of topics to educate yourself on include LGBTQIA+ protections in the workplace/institutions, the purpose of the BLM movement, climate change & reducing greenhouse emissions, etc. The list goes on. It is important to look at statistics as well on these topics and to read and watch videos about what these all look like and mean. Once you have further dived into some of the above topics, tell your peers, friends, family and even co-workers about what you have learned and the context you have gained.

Step 2: Reaching out & How to approach those difficult conversations

Continuing off of the first step, continue to reach out and have conversations about these topics. Although I will warn that this can be difficult, especially where the older generations may have trouble understanding the context and the need for change. Be aware that sometimes these conversations can escalate from misunderstanding, so approach these as calm as possible and be prepared for the situation to escalate as such.

Step 3: Organizing movements + social media

Once you feel that you have had time to complete the first two texts and understand the context as to why it is that your advocating then you may feel comfortable raising even more awareness using social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and even twitter. While Facebook may be also a way to get more awareness to family members, however, keep In mind that difficult conversations may also persist within media platforms. In terms of a movement with social media is sharing links, sharing posts, statistics, data, the contacts of your local lawmakers, petitions, donation spots, etc.

If you are wanting to organize a physical movement or march, gather a group of people who have similar interests and may want to advocate for the same social issues. Together you can discuss where you would need to gather a movement and how to safely do so. This may also involve talking to city officials on where it is safe to organize a movement or any funding that would need to be involved.

Final Step: Calling your city & county leaders & the importance of voting

This is one of the most crucial steps as it is where most of any social change could be likely to take place. Your city officials and county representatives are your lawmakers and are the people that actually institute the decisions on social changes and policies. This leads me to my next point on why It is important to vote. Voting gives the people the power to vote for the officials who will make the policy changes and hear the demands of those who advocate. Registering to vote is simple and can be done once you turn 18 years old. Although personally I feel they could lower the voting age to 17 or even 16 because there are really great young advocates out here. Like have y’all heard of Greta Thunberg??!


In conclusion, I’d love to hear your ideas on activism and what you’d like to advocate for and see social change on in the U.S and around the world. Feel free to sign up and leave a comment on this post or reach out to me on my other social media platforms with your ideas on the topic of activism. I’d love to hear different perspectives and viewpoints on the subject. This post will fall into a new category I’ve created on this page called events.

Thanks for tuning in! See y’all in the next post.

- Josiah :)

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