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An Introductory Concept

Hey there, did I distract you with my awesome pictures? And no that's not just some random care-free young adult, that be me. As I just typed out that phrase I paused. Then I thought to myself, 'Is this the proper way to introduce myself in the blog? Am I even following correct English grammar skills? God.. I hope so. What will people think when they read this? Pull it together, don't get in your thoughts. Just write homie!'

Hey beautiful people! Sometimes I game-talk myself before doing things like this, but anyways here we go. Welcome to "The Pohl Concept!" I'm your host Josiah Pohl, see what I did there with that title? Its pretty clever if I say so myself. Hold on... this isn't my podcast, but I do have one which I have linked on my home page if you all want to check that out too since you're already here. Let me get back to the point. I am already this far and haven't gotten to explain what this blog is for.


So a little about myself: I am a college-undergrad Junior at IU Southeast majoring in Digital Art with a minor in German Studies (Not totally sure what I am doing with the German part yet lol), I just entered my twenties in the midst of a global pandemic (Wild...), and I am also like really Gay (Future husband if you're reading this, hey boo *insert kissy face emoji here*).

Now to the 'meat and taters' as we say here in southern Indiana (You'd be shocked if you didn't believe I was from California). I started this blog a year ago with a totally different vision in mind, but ever since coming to terms with my major and my identity as a young college student, and partially because I am just bored in the house trying to Social Distance due to Miss Rona, I decided to revamp this blog and create an outlet to share my photography and about my lifestyle whether it has to do with college or my community as a whole, or a coffee shop that I visit, etc. That was a really long sentence, but like I said I don't really care about grammar rules at the moment. Not an English major lol.

The reasoning behind the name, "The Pohl Concept," was to add my own personal element to this blog and the concept portion seeks to explore my ideas surrounding my photography pieces and other blog postings to come. And overall, I instantly vibed with that name the moment I thought about it. It just stuck to me so well.

Some finishing notes before I finish this post for the week: I will be posting every to every other Tuesday starting with sharing some amazing pieces that I created this past semester in my Photography course that I took (Trust me they are awesome, please stay tuned) In addition I also make some postings about my lifestyle and things I do in my day to day life. I am planning to do some amazing photo-shoots and create some more projects for fun to share this summer! I am also hoping to visit some new coffee shops when things are a little safer and will probably provide some review on those as I am an avid coffeeholic.

If you want to know more about me in the meantime, you can visit my Instagram, my YouTube channel, "Pohl J Vlogs," and my podcast, "Its A Pohl Thing," which should be available on spotify and other platforms as well. And yes, most of my things go by my last name. It just has a nice ring to it haha. I have linked all of those on the home page! Let me know in the comments if you are having trouble accessing. I am still new to blogging and may need to tweak out a few things on here.

Thank you all so much! If you've reached this point, I hope you are as excited as I am to read together about my journey as a Digital Art major and the projects/lifestyle I share because of it.

- Cut, Peace out!

Josiah :)

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