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Concepts in Urban Photography: Part 2 - 9.22.20

"Walks Of Urbanism II: Color Theory in the Student Expression" (2020)



Welcome back to the Pohl Concept! If you are new here, I post on Tuesdays (well... sometimes) I just started my Fall Semester classes and they are a lot of work so I am trying to find a consistent schedule still. If you also want to keep up with me on my other outlets I tend to post a lot more on my YouTube channel and I have had the opportunity to get some vlogs uploaded the past few weeks. The hybrid class model isn't too bad but I miss seeing more people on campus :(

If you haven't already, be sure to see previous post! Moving forward, as a continuation from the previous post and this project I have been working on in general, I present to you the second series of photographs in the Urbanism project! In today's post I will be presenting my images, giving an artist statement, and opening the floor to comments and critique!

As a new Digital Art major, it has always been a hobby and practice of mine to practice with different aspects of photography and learning the in's and out's of the Digital realm. I am still learning so many new things every semester with my major but I have loved it thus far. I can't wait to apply for my program and take my BFA courses, hopefully will be able to apply in the Spring! :D

**Also two disclaimers**

1. I loved this series so much because of the color editing and the model has been a dear friend to me for over a year. So I use a lot of artistic terminology when describing my work. Feel free to let me know if you need me to explain anything in more simple terms :)

2. Yes, we are still in a pandemic... So I had to be well over 6 feet away when taking these images. This is when zoom comes in handy, and no I am not talking about the video calling interface that everyone is using haha. We both had a mask on in between shots and we were also outside and have not been exposed to anybody with Miss Rona.


Artist Statement, Process of Work, and Imagery for "Urbanism II"

**Images shot with Nikon**

As stated earlier, this series of photographs is a continuation of the overall project and theme of "Urbanism." In this series, I wanted to focus more on an individual student and how they are expressed within urban settings. I figured this idea was fitting given many colleges and universities have reopened to some capacity despite being in the middle of this pandemic. With this series I wanted to focus more on the mood and expression of a student, sort of in their natural habitat, by using color theory within photo editing. This is the one of the few times that I have done such color editing and I feel it helped to convey a range of expressions.

For example in the first image here, we have some neutral blues and grays which balanced well, given all the objects here in the composition of that image were actually neutralized color hues without the color editing in Photoshop. The blueness of the image for me sort of signifies a boringness but yet an emphasis on how a student works and how they may tune in to their assignments. A lot of times in college settings, you could be anywhere on campus and a student will attach to that area and open their laptop and they are almost always working on an assignment. The same way that I glued to my computer now writing this post is also an example. Nonetheless, the blue tones drew me in as a played around with the color editing.

In a Color Theory studio that I took last Fall semester, I was taught that cool tones and values recede while the warmer tones come forward. I unexpectedly created this dynamic with the second image. I wasn't expecting it to stand out to me but color theory does that awesome thing to help a composition stand out. Also you can make these unique things called composites in Photoshop where you can overlay two images and I did just that with the second photo. Usually we don't like a whole lot of grainy images in photography but this composite was much more of the urban textures rather than photographic grain. So it worked in my favor ;) The other photos help to convey moods and expressions as well and you can interpret what they mean to you!


Opening The Floor

So I have decided to try something different! I am opening the floor to your comments, questions, and any points of critique. How this works is that you can send me a DM on Instagram, or you can subscribe to this page and post your thoughts in the comment section. Any questions you have I attach them in my next blog post and respond to them. More of a way to make this blog interactive in a sense! If you don't have any questions that is fine too.

Thanks for tuning in today!!

Again, working on a consistent schedule but will stick to uploading new posts primarily on Tuesdays.

See y'all in the next post!

Cut, peace out.

- Josiah :)

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