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Concepts In Urban Photography: Series One - 8.25.20

One of the highlights of my summer break this year, despite the pandemic and constantly being at home, is that I was actually able to coordinate a pretty sweet photoshoot all while wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and getting some amazing shots!

I decided to title this shoot, “Walks of Urbanism.” If you follow me on instagram or are friends with me on facebook, you may have already seen a post about this shoot but I wanted to be sure I included it here as well.

Walks Of Urbanism: Series One

This photoshoot is actually the first series of a three series set, so in turn you are actually seeing Series One which was set in the Big Four Bridge/downtown Jeffersonville area. By definition, Urbanism describes the characteristics of cities, towns, and the life that inhabits it. It was this definition that drove my inspiration to do this project and to pursue it as a separate, three-series piece. I have always found fascination in the way certain areas or locations look and how certain features and people can be highlighted. It's powerful what you can capture with a digital camera as simple as the Canon Rebel T6.

My friend Kayla (also pictured below) who is the subject for the people portion of this series made for a really compelling balance between the Urban spaces and Urban life. Especially as I also tried to highlight aspects of the pandemic with her wearing a face mask in some shots. I left her story up to the viewers interpretation, allowing them to come up with the story as to why she is in these urban spaces and what her ultimate goal may be.


I hope y’all enjoyed this piece! I will definitely be sharing the second and third series of this project after I have completed the photoshoots for those. Maybe it’ll be set in fall, i'm not sure but I LOVE fall photography!! For more images from this series, check out my post on instagram or facebook. Also I’m a pretty amateur photographer, but I have found passion and expression with this art form. If you ever want anything done, let me know and we can discuss!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my other post today about going back to college in the middle of a pandemic!

See y’all In the next post. Wear your mask and wash your hands!

Josiah :)

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