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An Update!- 7.29.20

How Summer is going and what I've been up to

This image above is a form of sarcasm btw... If you also live in the U.S. you can understand why ;)

So... you’re probably wondering where I’ve been the past couple weeks since several Tuesdays have gone by without a new blog post. Just to let you know I am alive and somewhat thriving because I’ve officially reached the boring part of summer where it’s too hot to go outside most times! (Oh and there's also still Miss Rona out here...) However that is still not really an excuse for the lack of new blog posts!!! So I thought I would update you all in today's read and talk about what I’ve been doing over the past couple weeks.


Why I haven't been posting much:

I honestly fell out of routine and I haven’t been going out much since the U.S has been not been making much progress toward defeating what is known as, “Miss Coronavirus.” However, I feel it is important for me to now get back into the flow of things and find activities and things I enjoy that help me feel more productive. I can only watch so many YouTube vids and binge away on Netflix for a certain amount of time!

Most days for me this month of July have been the cycle of working my campus part-time jobs from home, because honestly none of these colleges want the virus to become enrolled and accepted onto their campuses! I don’t blame them.

However, I miss being on campus and a lot of my life prior to the start of the pandemic really revolved around my experience as a college student.

I’ll be honest, I’ve gotten used to staying home to the point that even going out and doing small things like literally just grocery runs has become tasking. I’ve just felt lazy overall and I am ready to put a stop to this feeling by reminding myself to re-establish my routine and do the things I enjoy. So we’re getting back into early mornings (maybe), writing blog posts, filming YouTube videos, and getting it back together because I start my Junior year of college in less than 30 days! Wow. I promise y'all if this virus wasn’t a thing we’d still be in April right now. But did we ever really leave March? That’s the real question in 2020.


Continuing on... In the span of this month I’ve watched dozens upon dozens of Tik Toks (they didn’t ban the app here thankfully. You'll wanna like read an article about that because 2020 is already wild enough lol..) I also finished a series and started another one on Netflix, cancelled my housing contract (I literally live 15 minutes from school and don’t want to pay that much for a mostly virtual Junior year. Miss Rona sucks...)

Lastly, I caught up with some friends (mainly on Facetime and snap!). Overall some good things, some negative!

But let’s rewind for a second and talk about the fact that my Junior year is literally about to happen in the middle of a pandemic!!! AH!

So, it's basically August now LOL (plus a slight rant)...

WARNING: *Rant ahead*

So... I am not totally sure if I have enough financial aid or if I am going to have to pay a bit out of pocket, scholarships are competitive and America "OF COURSE" is that country where you still have to worry about getting financial aid in the middle of a "GLOBAL PANDEMIC!!!"

And while having most of my classes online is so much safer right now, this could’ve been prevented for if all these 'Karens' didn’t think wearing a mask was an INFRINGEMENT of their rights!! All thanks to america's entitled, careless society and a "cheeto" in the oval office who once thought, (and probably still thinks) that this entire thing was a hoax...

**Disclaimer, and yes sis... I POPPED OFF**

I could go on into plenty more social issues that this country has right now like how Breonna Taylor's murderers still haven't been arrested and how this country is built upon systems of racism, xenophobia and oppression (and probably countless other awful things too...)

^^^ See I told y'all I popped off! It's great to be a part of Gen Z ;)

And yes.. I still won't say anything if my Starbucks barista or food service worker messes up my order LOL


So, while I am sad I won’t be staying on campus again this year like I have for the past two years, it will definitely save me some money and it’ll be interesting to see what my day-to-day layout looks like as a commuter where I still have 3 classes that have portions in person for labs or studio time (otherwise known as a Hybrid class). My other two classes are entirely on Zoom. God, I am going to get tired of the word ‘zoom.’ Maybe I should be their sponsor haha!

I’ve even started planning out my days on google calendar which I totally recommend doing if you haven’t used it before. A solid 15 our of 10!!

Since I have pretty much explained everything up to now, and ranted about how all the social problems in the U.S ;)

I will add that I went on a photoshoot a couple days ago so I will be sharing what I have captured in the next blog post! The pictures came out like really good!! So that should be next week but no promises entirely because I still am trying to get back into routine and trying to stick to it is especially hard during the summer months (and with everything happening in the U.S.) buttttt.... I am honestly excited to share so many things with you all!!

Please share any recommendations you have with me and also feel free to reach out if you ever want to learn more about what I do! Keep up with me on my social media pages which are all linked in the home page of this website. See y’all next time!

Cut, WEAR A DAMN MASK, and peace out!

- Josiah ;)

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