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Concept of a Graduate - 6.11.20

First off, it’s a Thursday. I usually post on a Tuesday… but ya know what? I got a little lazy this week so let’s just roll with it being on a different weekday this time haha. So, before we get started with today’s post, I wanted to remind y’all to go read last week’s post if you have not already. Long story short, it’s super important! Last week, I wanted to bring awareness on the issue of social injustice, police brutality, and racism in the United States and around the world. In the post I’ve included some links to places where you can donate and sign petitions. This week I encourage y’all to keep informing people and have those really difficult but important conversations with family members, friends, relatives, etc.

Graduation, except there’s a Global Pandemic O_O

Moving forward, I have decided to dedicate this week’s post to my youngest brother who just graduated high school and turned 18 in the middle of everything going on. Historical and crazy right? He thankfully had the opportunity to have a in-person element to his graduation ceremony and I feel with all the graduates this year as their celebrations were altered significantly. Like I couldn’t imagine going to school for 12 years and then graduating on a video call… If somebody told me this two years ago, I would’ve made sure we had done everything we could to stop this pandemic from spreading the way it did. However, thanks to our leader’s inaction… *cough, cough. * Let’s not get into politics. All I’m going to further say on that is that we need to VOTE.

Anyways, my brother’s high school graduation was similar to mine. He was able to walk the stage, have people cheer in-person, etc. However, the ceremony wasn’t three hours and chairs weren’t lined up on the gym floor. Instead, families had to social distance, there wasn’t a handshake from the principal or superintendent, but thankfully the photo op was completely there. So, me being the photographer I am, I was able to capture my brother’s moments and I am ever so thankful that my high school still provided a ceremony but did it safely. So I am going to share this amazing photoshoot I was able to do for my brother as I put my photography skills to work.


This first image is very unique. From an artist perspective, not only are we focused on my brother as the subject in this piece but also, we can notice the shallow depth of field as the stairs and entrance to the school is a bit blurred and my brother being centered in the image as a focal point. This kind of portrait is honestly one of my fav things to do as a photographer and I made sure I focused on this element to make my brother stand out as a graduate.


These next few images have this similar element but I also made sure I choose different views, lighting, etc. My favorite thing about grad photoshoots is having a variety, having the same picture, pose and smile can be kind of boring in my personal opinion. Other people thought I was like a professional photographer (which I am not yet…) I even had somebody ask if I had a business card. Haha, not yet lol. Quite the compliment though.


Once again, congrats to you bro! I am honored to have gotten these pictures for you and to honor this special moment. I am so glad they were able to host this ceremony. Best of luck in your academic studies and track career in college! And happy 18th birthday, welcome to adulthood but buckle ya seatbelt haha!

This concludes this week’s post. Remember you can follow me on my other social media platforms which are linked on my home page! Remember to continue to practice social distancing and stay safe out here y’all because 2020 be hittin’ differently. Let’s see if I can actually remember to make my next blog post on a Tuesday haha.

Cut, peace out!

- Josiah 😊

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