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Concepts in Water Photography - 5.26.20

Wow it’s already Tuesday again? It seems like time is really not a thing anymore when you’ve been in the house trying to stay safe and isolate (because both of your parents got it… 2020 is sum else y’all, I feel fine and wear a mask every time I leave my bedroom no joke), rather than partying with your friends on Memorial Day because American society just decided that Miss Rona’s world tour ended! (Chuckles nervously..) Anyways, this post isn’t about what’s going in currently in the world but rather what is "naturally" captured in the world.

So, you may be wondering by I mean by that and just based on the title of this post, you can infer that I am going to be showing some amazing pictures once again. Let’s go back to around March when I captured these two images at Waterfront Park in Louisville, KY. (Also, a quick disclaimer) In the last post, I was a bit wordy, so I am going to tone it down a bit this time but still explain my reasoning behind capturing the images. Following same order as previous post, feel free to soak these images in ;) (no pun intended). Both images I was going to use for a project in class but ended up going with some other images I took on the same day instead. These are for funsies!

So, this first image was like so cool to me just being able to capture the way the light of the sun hit against the ruffles in the water. I think it makes for an interesting dynamic and part of the reason for me to make the image this way was to create the illusion of the sun’s reflection over an ocean body. The fun part is that this is literally the Ohio river, the same river that often has a reputation for being *extremely* murky and one that people have died in…


That’s a totally different genre for a weird and different type of photography. I also had to mess around with focal length, ISO, and the shutter speed to capture this moving river in sort of a still life because this kind of thing isn’t as easy as it looks.


In comparison to the first image this one is much darker; I was at a slightly different location when I shot this image, but it is still the same river. It was interesting to capture this because I didn’t really have the suns light as much to give me that same illusion as I had in the first piece. This is also shot at a different angle than in the first.


I hope y’all enjoyed this week’s photography. I am making a second post today so feel free to check that out as well when it goes up. It’s about a trend from social media I just tried although It’s not as much of a trend as it was a while ago LOL. The internet do be moving so effin’ FAST! As always, feel free to reach out on my other social media pages! They are linked in the home page. Also, I am still new to this wixsite thing but you can sign up and become a follower so you never miss a new post!

- Cut, peace out!

Josiah :)

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